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What Is Reiki?


Reiki is the Japanese art of energy healing. Rei - "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki - "life force energy" so it literally means "spiritually guided life force enegy". When our life force is interupted or blocked, it causes "dis-ease". Reiki is a simple and non-invasive technique to heal others on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level and has been known to have miraculous results in healing the mind, body and spirit, especially when used in conjunction with other medical or theraputic techniques. Reiki is non demoninational and the energy is sent through the practitioner by a higher source, be "it" God, Goddess, Buddah, etc.


Who Can Benefit From Reiki?


Because Reiki is non-invasive, anyone can benefit from it. Reiki is not harmful in any way and can be safely used on adults, children, infants and animals.


How does Reiki differ from Massage or other healing modalities?


Your Reiki practitioner has been attuned to channel the energy that will be used by placing his/her hands either lightly on your body or just above your body. There is no pressure used as in massage.


When Should I Get A Reiki Treatment?


Reiki is used for many things. It can be used to relax, de-stress, before/after surgery/medical treatments, after injuries and even at the end of life. Anytime our lives are out of balance, so too are our chakras. Reiki helps to realign the energy in our chakras to bring balance to our lives.


How does Reiki benefit animals?


Reiki reduces stress, relaxes nervous pets/animals, helps emotional issues, creates a place of peace and safety, great for trauma, PTSD and rescues. It is especially good for fearful, scared, hard to transport animals and ferals.


What Are Chakras?


Chakras are energy point in our bodies. There are 7 major chakras reiki practitioners focus on and you can find these and more about them here.


How Can Reiki Help In Death?


It has been scientifically proven that we and everything everything around us contains energy.  When we or our pets die, the physical body stops funtioning and this energy is released. Reiki works at a higher level to bring comfort to our higher selves. Some may call this "soul". It is important to mention, Reiki will NOT stop death from occuring!


Are there side effects or reactions from Reiki?


There can be.  Reiki flushes out imbalances in our energy field and sometimes there are physical reactions. During a reiki treatment, you can feel hot/cold from your practitioners hands, feel the energy moving/swirling, see colors/images and sometimes remember events your mind has blocked. You may feel nothing, feel pain (especially for injury or disease) or tingling, fall asleep or even cry. All of these are competely normal and essential for your healing to take place.


After a session, you may experience cold like symptoms, upset stomach or mild fever. again, all of these are completely normal and are just your body's way of flushing out what is not needed/wanted. If you have any concerns either during or after a treatment, speak to your practitioner.


If you, your child or pet are receiving a Reiki treatment for illness, some symptoms (i.e. coughing, difficulty breathing, pain, etc.) can seem to worsen during the treatment. If this happens, it should only last a few moments and the practitioner will continue the treatment until symptoms pass.


How far will you travel for house/farm calls?


Dublin, Fayetteville, Hope Mills, Lumber Bridge, Lumberton, Saint Pauls, Shannon, Tar Heel. If you live outside of these areas, please ask as there may be an additional charge.


Do you give sessions outside of the office for people?


Under special circumstances, we will travel for sessions. These include but are not limited to those who are unable to leave home, in a hospital, nursing home or hospice.




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